School Update 2020-2021 July 30, 2020

Date Posted: 07/30/2020

The Coos Bay School district is working hard this summer to prepare for the fall. In light of Oregon’s recent update to Ready Schools, Safe Learners Guidelines and Community COVID-19 Metrics for when schools are able to return to in-person learning, we are making plans for two possible re-openings in fall; either the AM/PM Hybrid Model, which allows in-person learning, or Full-Time Comprehensive Distance Learning.

As a county, and state, we need to meet certain metrics in order to open in-person school. If school started today we would not meet the metrics. However, we are not into August yet. We will continue to plan our hybrid model and begin the planning for comprehensive distance learning. We will need both plans ready by the end of August as we will open under the model the new metrics will allow. We are hoping for some in person as we all know that is what is best for our kids. As things progress we will keep you all updated.

Visit the ODE website to check out latest Oregon COVID-19 County Metrics by Week, which includes the metrics that counties will use as they assess school reopening. 

Link to past updates and Frequently Asked Questions

*Full-Time Online Learning Open August 3-17* For families who choose not to send students to traditional in-person school beginning in the fall, but want to maintain their connection the Coos Bay School District, registration for Full-Time Online learning through the Coos Bay School District will be open from August 3 - 17

For more information and to Register click here