Free Movies Each Month Beginning January 13th - Presented by Coos Health & Wellness
Get geared up for the Holiday Season by coming to see a FREE showing of “Mean Girls” at the Egyptian Theatre on Saturday, November 11th at 2:00pm.
“Mean Girls” is not a Holiday movie you say? Well, Coos Health & Wellness is giving away 2 great Holiday Door Prizes. One lucky winner will win a Holiday Baking Basket valued at $200. Everything you need to kick off Holiday baking season with your friends and family. Another lucky winner will win a $300 shopping spree at Walmart with a member of our Coos County Sheriff’s Office. Winner of the Shopping Spree will coordinate with a deputy for a mutual time to go shopping at Walmart for your Holiday needs.
This program is brought to you by Coos Health & Wellness Prevention team. We offer free movies each month with Free Admission, Free Popcorn, Free Water or Juice as well as resources for families of Teens and Tweens in our community. This is the second year running films at the Egyptian Theatre for families. Upcoming movie dates: January 13th, February 10th, March 9th and April 13th.
Spending time with your family creating memories and bonding time is a great way to build the protective factors in your children that they need to help them say no to things like: vaping, alcohol and other drugs. If you or someone you know needs help please reach out to us and we can provide resources that can help. [email protected] or call/text 541-808-7622